Welcome To The Island!

A fun place without much conflict or discord, The Island is a nice fun place to set up your house, and if you're Richard, your farm. The Island is small, having less than 20 residents, so everyone knows eachother, they know eachother very well.

Your Farm

This is where you keep your crops. It's where you can stay, with nobody to bother you. Well at least, not anymore...

The Town

Due to your unique profession, you don't live in the town. This town is where you meet and socialize with people, it's where you can forgive yourself of your sins, and even report crimes!


Being a nice, religious man like yourself, you go to a church. This is one of the only places where you can find peace in the world. It's a place you can go to escape any current "situations" that may or may not be happening.

The "Shop"

If you could even call it one, the shop sells various goods and services, but it's never anything quite useful, is it? Hell, you could probably ask for a body bag, or the corpse of an animal, and they wouldn't even blink an eye!

Of course, that's not all you can find in the town, and there are probably tons of places to find various "items" that you may or may not need...